How to Take Back Control of Your Money and Increase Your Income


The income we’re able to earn can often feel like it’s far outside of our control. And it certainly can be! However, I want to present you with hope and a new way of thinking to help you change your income story and, one day, earn your dream paycheck.

Income Outside of Your Control

Firstly, I want to acknowledge the reality that yes, sometimes your income level is outside of your control. If we all were able to just decide how much money we should earn, the world would be a very different place.

I don’t write this post to be dismissive of challenging life circumstances, privilege, discrimination, poverty, inequality, disability, or any other limiting factors that have held so many people back. If anything, I’m writing this post specifically for you, if this is your current story.

business income tips

I see your struggle and discouragement. But I want to encourage you to keep your eyes open because the right opportunity could pass by you at any moment and I don’t want you to miss it!

…Or, if you’re ready to break free of how others have limited you, entrepreneurship is a great way to create your own opportunities. 😉

Hope for Your Income

Pause for a moment and think about something good you’ve had or experienced in your life. Whether it’s in the past or present - maybe it’s a job you had, a person you met, a place you lived, an event you experienced, or an achievement you reached.

Now, try to trace back the circumstances and variables in your life that led you precisely to that moment.

Can you see the countless variables that were at work? Can you see how if just one thing was different, the whole trajectory of your life could have been different? That will happen again.

I wish I could promise you exactly when this could happen for you this time around and what it’ll look like. Instead, all I can do is express my fervent belief that the right opportunity for you is out there somewhere. And chances are, it doesn’t look like what you expect.

There are many things outside of your control. But you know what? Sometimes that’s a good thing. Sometimes what we don’t have control over is where the miracles come from. The key is to be ready for it when it happens.

That’s what this post is about. It’s about shifting your perspective and reminding you to focus on what it is you can control about your income story so that you can start taking aligned and proactive action to be ready for the right moment.

You see, even while acknowledging that some factors are beyond your control, I want you to still pursue your income dream. Even if you’re only able to take the tiniest, tiniest steps towards it today, don’t lose sight of your goal.

Change Your Income Story

We’ll leave the sappy love letter part of this post behind for a bit and switch to practical ways to change your income story - one step at a time.

#1: What is enough in this season?

To be in a state of constant pursuit of more money is to be a slave to it. At first glance, that may seem to contradict what I’ve been saying. However, it’s extremely important to understand that my goal is never for you to adopt a spirit of discontentment and a desire for an unachievable financial goal.

Human beings have a way of growing dissatisfied with whatever they have after they’ve had it for enough time. Growth is good, more is better - right?

It’s not healthy or sustainable to constantly move your own finish line. So I urge you to ask yourself what amount of money is sufficient for you in this season of your life?

The reason I focus on the season is that your financial needs change heavily depending on your current circumstances and priorities. And that’s okay!

I’m also not asking you to get too mathematical with this, though you certainly can if that’s your thing 🤓. Just have an idea of how much is enough so that you can actually reach your goal one day and enjoy it for that season. After all, life isn’t just about making money. When the time comes to focus more on something else, I want you to be able to do it.

#2: Increase the value of your time

Next, I want to challenge you to consider the value of your time. This isn’t as simple as your hourly rate, as there may be a misalignment with how much you currently get paid vs. the actual value of the products/services you provide.

But it’s important to consider this because most of us have the goal of being able to earn more without necessarily working longer. When you focus on increasing the value of your time, you make it easier and easier to hit whatever income goal you set for yourself, no matter the season. Here are three ways to do this:

  • Pursue the Right Opportunities - Always strive to align yourself more with people who see the value you have to offer and are willing to compensate you appropriately. (Without disregarding those who are unable to pay)

  • Work More Efficiently - Efficiency isn’t about business performance; it’s about you valuing your own time. Work smarter and seek to waste less time doing the things you regularly do so that you have more of it!

Time is a finite resource. Once an hour of your life is gone, you will never get that back. Value your time accordingly!

(While still embracing the moments when the right way to value yourself and your time is to decompress. Read a book, take a walk, binge a Netflix show for a weekend - that’s okay, too. 💕)

#3: Diversify your income streams

My third tip for you is to seek to diversify your income streams, both within your business and even outside of it. You don’t want to be a victim to the whims of some other person or company because they’re the only way you can pay your bills.

An online service provider may choose to add in digital product streams, subscription offers, and even coaching opportunities to diversify their business income.

Another individual may generate income from their business, a job, a rental property, and an investment portfolio.

While this is a mindset and journey that may take years to fully put into practice, don’t lose sight of this as a goal!

Your Next Steps

Increasing your income is always much easier said than done. But I hope that this post has inspired you to shift towards a more meaningful and intentional approach to earning income.

Many finance blogs out there will tell you to simply work harder, ask for the raise, sell some stuff, try 17 side hustles, or sign up for a survey site (that doesn’t actually pay anything). I understand if you’re frustrated reading those things, because I was, too.

So instead, my encouragement to you is to consider what your income needs to be for you to feel like you have enough for this season of your life. Constantly seek to be more like the future version of yourself who will earn that one day. Then, keep your eyes open for the opportunities that will take you closer and closer to your goals.

Don’t settle for the story where your income just happens to you. Chase the dream!


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How to Take Back Control of Your Money and Increase Your Income
How to Take Back Control of Your Money and Increase Your Income

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